Practical Information


Tips for Better Trip Preparation

Before embarking on a journey to the desert or mountains, it is essential to consider key factors during trip preparation to ensure a successful and enjoyable stay.

Choosing the Right Trip:

Select your itinerary based on your physical fitness and adaptability. We have categorized the treks by difficulty levels, allowing you to assess the trek’s difficulty and recommended fitness level. The level of each circuit is indicated in the technical sheet, and if you have any doubts, feel free to contact us.

Physical Preparation:

For any chosen circuit, it is important to prepare yourself physically to be in good shape on the day of departure and during the expedition. The preparation should be tailored to the chosen trip’s level of difficulty. It is advisable to engage in regular physical activity and increase training intensity during the two months leading up to your departure.

Physical endurance and acclimatization to altitude are two independent phenomena: training does not protect against altitude sickness. If you push yourself too hard, you may be more susceptible to sickness compared to those who are less trained.

Psychological Preparation:

Adventure trips may involve unexpected situations, and it is always advisable to accept them. These unexpected moments often become highlights and unforgettable memories. Group travel requires adaptability and a positive attitude. Team spirit and a sense of humor are essential keys to ensuring a good atmosphere and the success of your trip.

Proper Equipment Preparation:

Before embarking on a journey to the desert or mountains, always consider the natural and specific components of these environments when packing. We immediately think of the sun but often overlook the chilling wind and cold temperatures that can be encountered, even in these latitudes.

Trip Itinerary:

Ensuring the smooth progress of your trip is our main goal. Regardless of the terrain and difficulty level of your journey, the entire Atlas Sahara Adventure team mobilizes and devotes its energy and resources to the success of your trip, ensuring a quality experience. We ensure that your stay unfolds with tranquility and safety in the regions you wish to explore.

Informational Resources:

  • The condition of the trails, tracks, or routes you plan to take.
  • Local weather forecasts:
  • The local way of life in the places you intend to visit.
  • Provide a detailed description of your intended expedition.
  • Up-to-date maps and charts at the appropriate scales.

Equipment Preparation:

Before embarking on your adventure, it is always advisable to:

  • Have equipment in good condition and suitable for your intended activities.
  • Carry appropriate protection for local weather conditions.
  • Visit your doctor for a medical check-up.
  • Pack your luggage carefully.
  • Check your documents and papers.
  • Take out insurance coverage, including repatriation assistance.
  • Prepare a first aid kit and bring your personal medications.


Regardless of the destination, travelers should have purchased travel assistance and insurance, carefully reviewing the exclusions and the amount of reimbursable expenses, taking into account the cost of pharmaceutical and, most importantly, medical-surgical expenses in the visited country. The company’s contact information and policy number should be easily accessible. Financial conditions for treatment and hospitalization can vary greatly from one country to another. The coverage provided by insurance companies during travel also varies. To avoid unpleasant surprises, inquire with your insurance company before departure.

During the Flight:

During air travel, it is highly recommended to keep a portion of your medication in your carry-on luggage and have appropriate clothing and walking shoes with you to avoid being “in need” upon arrival in case of delays or loss. The first aid kit should also be considered.

General Information:

Exploring mountains, deserts, and distant lands inevitably involves accepting uncertainty, the unknown, and intense moments. Proper preparation allows you to fully enjoy the pleasure of discovery and adventure.