Meals & Accommodation


Well-balanced and varied meals are essential for a quality experience and the success of your stay. Discovering Morocco also means discovering its cuisine, where each meal represents a new page of Moroccan gastronomy that we take pride in.

During hiking or expeditions, lunches and dinners will be presented as hot, varied, and balanced meals. They are prepared on-site by a chef using fresh ingredients.


Breakfast: Coffee, milk, black tea or mint tea, honey, butter, orange, strawberry, fig, or peach jams, pancakes, toast, cereal, orange juice…

During the hike:

The magical snack bag is always there: almonds, dates, dried figs, hazelnuts, peanuts, pralines…

Lunch and Dinner:

Always hot and varied dishes such as vegetable tagines, meat tagines, chicken tagines, soup, couscous, roasted meats, rice, fries, kebabs, pasta, fruits…

Afternoon Snack:

Mint tea or Berber coffee, biscuits, or cream-filled donuts.

Meals in Town:

The bed and breakfast option is available when staying in cities where there are several good restaurants nearby. In this case, you can enjoy regional dishes or specialties that appeal to you. A list of these recommended restaurants is included in the roadbook.

Message to Vegetarians:

During the trip, some prepared meals like tagines, couscous, and harira often contain meat or poultry. However, we can make alternative arrangements to ensure a good vegetarian diet for those who prefer to maintain a strictly vegetarian regimen. If you are vegetarian, please inform us during your registration.


The choice of accommodations takes into consideration the beauty of the surroundings and the comfort of the place. We are very selective in choosing accommodations, prioritizing comfort, charm, quality of service, tranquility, and safety.

Chemin Berberes provides clean and comfortable accommodations. We stay in riads or hotels of good category, ranging from 2 to 4 stars, that have been selected for their comfort and cleanliness.

Occasionally, accommodation may be in gîtes d’étape (lodges), inns, refuges, or with local residents when the local context requires it. Some of these accommodations may be simple and rustic in terms of comfort, but the hospitality is always warm.

Bivouac Accommodation:

In the case of a bivouac, the choice is mainly based on the beauty of the surroundings, charm, safety, and tranquility. Accommodation during a bivouac is in spacious igloo tents or under the starry sky with provided foam mattresses, allowing you to enjoy nights in the open air, truly delightful moments to experience and discover.

After a day of activities, it is essential to find a comfortable place to relax and recuperate, where everyone can arrange “their space.”

Typically, we arrive at the bivouac site in the mid-afternoon to have time to settle in, appreciate the location, and rest.

Accommodation in a bivouac does not mean precarious lodging. The bivouac represents the authenticity of the journey, providing opportunities to experience delightful moments in the open air. For some of our itineraries, the bivouac option is often the best-suited choice.